Category: birdsound

  • Powerful or Masked Owl?

    Mystery nocturnal found on SERF Sensor at 21.18hrs on 15 October 2010 This was the only call of interest between 8pm and midnight, as it rained throughout the period, frogs and insects are calling in the background. I think it may be a Powerful Owl (from experience and listening to other media) but I am…

  • Large-billed Scrubwren (Sericornis magnirostris)

      Heard this bird calling (singing?) from some dense-low bushes and wondered what it was as I was not familiar with it. Turned out to be a Large-billed Scrubwren, also present were Silvereye,  Eastern Whipbird and a noisy plane. There is a Silvereye calling on the clip but it is the descending “see-see-see” (uttered twice)…

  • Striated Pardalote?

    Found this one fairly close to the previous mystery (5-note repetition) at 14.36hrs 15 Oct 2010 at SW Sensor. It was raining lightly and there are typical Striated Pardalote calls on there, and also White-throated Honeyeater, but I’m interested in the much repeated soft “dee-dee-dee-dee” sound which is given throughout, can’t think of too much…