
  • Mystery Trill

    Heard this song early on Monday morning (06.30am) on the Old Creamtruck Rd circuit in Dayboro (SE Qld), it seemed to be from a bird close to the ground but was hidden from view by dense undergrowth in front. It is a slightly descending trill (similar to Eurasian Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix?) I’m sure that I’ve heard it before but can’t recollect where. My first reaction was Rufous Songlark but it’s ‘trill’ is quite different.

    Unfortunately I didn’t have my microphone but used an audio app on my smartphone, and had very ‘average’ results. The first displayed is probably the best as there are no other background-calls interfering, the others have Eastern Whipbird and Rufous Whistler calling over it.

    Any suggestions?

    White-winged Triller?

  • Queensland ‘Dawn-Chorus’


    Got up early this morning to try and capture an ambient ‘dawn-chorus’, unfortunately at times it was none too ‘ambient’!  See if you can identify the culprits involved.

  • Spring Soundscapes

    Recently I’ve been very impressed with the emergence of nature ‘sound-scapes’ on the web, usually a period of time where an acoustic recording has been made in a natural habitat such as a National Park or Reserve free of artificial or ‘man-made’ sound. Good ‘global’ examples of these can be found through Soundcloud’s Nature Soundmap by Marc Anderson, some are calls of specific creatures, whilst others are general sounds of assorted wildlife but I’ve found them very useful in various ways, learning calls or just as a relaxing ambient background sound.

    This morning I decided to ‘bite-the-bullet’,  get up early to record the dawn chorus at home in Dayboro and then traveled to nearby Kobble Creek doing the same there.  I’ve uploaded several edited .mp3 files and their respective spectograms created with Audacity.

    Have a listen to the files below and try and identify all the species, if we get a good response I might add more later. (Note: the second, shorter one is probably easier… )